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Daybreak Christmas Celebration

Each year L’Arche Daybreak gathers for a nice Christmas dinner and party at the Sheraton Hotel, put on by a generous friend of L’Arche. It is a a nice winter evening get-together with everyone in one place. I liked all the activities.

My Mom and Dad came with me to the dinner. I had butter nut squash soup and chicken to eat and it was good. They had apple crumble for dessert but I didn’t feel like having it because I was full. I had a great time and I cannot wait to go again next year.

Jason Clinker

There is singing of Christmas carols by the community.

There is singing of Christmas carols by the community.

Everybody was dressed up and looked nice.

Everybody was dressed up and looked nice.

The carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was acted out by each table and led by Clara Fraschetti.

The carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was acted out by each table and led by Clara Fraschetti.

photo of Jason with Jean Francois who dressed up as Santa

Santa and I are close friends. He arrived at the end.