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Debbie Steckley Walks 5km in Support of the ABLE Network

Debbie Steckley, who lives at the New House at L’Arche Daybreak and is also a proud founding member of the Richmond Hill branch of the ABLE Network, walked along with ABLE members in the Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon.

Debbie at the Toronto Marathon in 2015

Debbie at the Toronto Marathon in 2015

If you would like to sponsor Debbie, visit:
Debbie Steckley’s Fundraising Page.

The ABLE Network, which started in Aurora several years ago and expanded to Richmond Hill in 2015, develops engaging programs for young adults with intellectual disabilities with goals of increasing independence, learning new work and social skills, and improving reading and financial literacy.

We have watched in amazement as Debbie has grown over the last year – becoming a volunteer at the neighbourhood Coptic Church, learning how to take public transportation, developing new job skills at Winners, and improving her cooking and grocery shopping skills.

Debbie and Theresa Baking together

Debbie and Theresa Baking together

Debbie sorting shoes at her placement at Winners.

Debbie sorting shoes at her placement at Winners.

ABLE is a bright light in Richmond Hill and we are very happy that Debbie has found such a rich and rewarding daytime program.

We are grateful for the good work the folks at the ABLE Network have accomplished in Richmond Hill in their first year and were delighted that they had dozens of supporters out at the walk!