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L’Arche in Ontario – A Gathering in Toronto, June 16-18 2015

Over 250 people gathered on the Toronto campus of Seneca College from June 16-18 for the Ontario Regional Gathering of L’Arche communities. Every delegate participated in small workshops as well as the affirmation of a new four-year Ontario Mandate, new Regional Leaders, and thanking John Guido for his past 12 years of leadership.

 John Guido at the Ontario Regional Gathering, July 2015.

John at the Ontario Regional Gathering, July 2015.

John Guido was celebrated as he completed 12 years as the L’Arche Ontario Leader. Daybreak was John’s first L’Arche community, and he is dear to many of us here. John has always loved the ritual of the table, so the Regional Council planned a “thank you” gift for John by “setting the table” for him with gifts from all nine L’Arche communities in Ontario.
Many people commented on the stunning Craft Studio pottery.

Many people commented on the stunning Craft Studio pottery. This plate design by Bill Van Buren, a very close friend of John who died several years ago, is of people around a table

Gala Evening at the Aga Khan Museum

The Gala event at the Regional Gathering took place in the theatre of the stunning new Aga Khan Museum in Toronto. Karima Panjwani, a Stephenson House assistant who had forged the connection with the Museum, gave a beautiful opening prayer of welcome. The Honourable Dr. Helena Jaczek, Minister of Community and Social Services, brought greetings and congratulations from the government. The L’Arche Daybreak community brought so much to the gathering – from music to dancing to leading workshops!

The Spirit Movers danced and led the finale.

The Spirit Movers danced beautifully and led the finale.

John Smeltzer on Stage playing spoons

John Smeltzer on spoons!