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Making All Things New

Making All Things New

October 2011 – Making All Things New is our theme for the year at L’Arche Daybreak. We are, very literally, bringing new life to old buildings at Daybreak as we make renovations to the Big House and the Club this year. This material change is an outer sign of the way our community is always in a state of transformation. The wording of this year’s theme is inspired by a book of the same title that Henri Nouwen wrote in 1981.

Those of us who were here during Henri’s years at Daybreak will always remember how passionately he believed in the power of community to bring personal transformation. Henri also believed the essential importance of solitude in the life of anyone who wants to live community.

After 42 years in Richmond Hill, L’Arche Daybreak is still being discovered as something new, even for people who have been our neighbours for a very long time. Over the course of the coming year, the L’Arche Daybreak community will mount an art show at the Richmond Hill Performing Arts in April of 2012. The show will feature artists and artisans from our Craft Studio. On May 8th 2012, the Spirit Movers, Daybreak’s dance troupe and the Movers & Shakers, its theatre group, are planning a special event to take place in the same venue.