by Danielle DeCiantis
Stephanie Mirtic began her journey at L’Arche in the spring of 2011 when she did her high school co-op placement at the Day Program. The same year, at the age of 21, Stephanie graduated from Richmond Green High School. That September she started working at the Craft Studio one day a week. Over the past three years, Stephanie gradually made her way to working five days a week at the Studio. Stephanie works in both candle-making and paper-making. She enjoys sorting and breaking chips in the candle room and painting in the paper studio. Her work has been featured at L’Arche Daybreak art shows. She lives with her parents and older sister in Richmond Hill.Stephanie has become a huge asset to the Studio and the L’Arche Daybreak community. She has made close friends with several core members, has a strong connection with the Red House, and she regularly attends Friday evening services at the Dayspring. Stephanie lights up the rooms of the Studio with her contagious laugh and her great sense of humor. She is treasured as an always cheerful and loyal friend. L’Arche Daybreak is blessed that Stephanie has become part of our community.
The L’Arche Daybreak Craft Studio
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