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Reflection Friends – Amanda and Trish

80_nRecently, while having dinner with everyone at the Red House we began talking about welcoming a new Assistant. This then led to a discussion about former assistants who once lived at the Red House. Amanda had a long list of those whom she remembered. I asked Amanda if she kept in touch with any of these former Assistants. She replied: “yes.” Knowing that Amanda is more computer savvy than I am, I asked if she kept in touch through Facebook or email. She said, “no, not yet.” I then asked: “Well, how do you keep in touch then She replied: “ I keep in touch with them in my heart.”
In this moment I thought about all the people Amanda named, how she and her housemates courageously welcomed them into their lives. Amanda’s friendships remain with her even though they are not all in her daily life. Her friendships are part of her–and Amanda’s life has helped the hearts of others grow in discovery and in fullness. Amanda reminds us to keep in touch with the fruits of our friendships that remain in our hearts. In doing so we allow these friendships to nourish us and encourage us in forging new friendships, new hearts.

This week we reflect on God’s call for us to love one another. I am grateful for Amanda and for the many community members who witness for me God’s deep desire for friendship and who show me our hearts potential for growth.