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The Surprising Gift of Fragility in Community

On October 11, 2007, L’Arche Daybreak and L’Arche Toronto in collaboration with L’Arche Ontario and the L’Arche Canada Foundation hosted a Regional Forum with Amy Laura Hall, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Duke University. Professor Hall presented a talk entitled “The Surprising Gift of Fragility” with a time for discussion.

Amy Laura Hall from Duke University

Amy Laura Hall from Duke University

The Mission of L’Arche calls us to “Make known the gifts of people with intellectual disabilities, revealed through mutually transforming relationships.” and to “Engage in our diverse cultures, working together toward a more human society.”

On October 11, 2007, L’Arche Daybreak and L’Arche Toronto in collaboration with L’Arche Ontario and the L’Arche Canada Foundation hosted a Regional Forum with Amy Laura Hall, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Duke University. Professor Hall presented a talk entitled “The Surprising Gift of Fragility” with a time for discussion.

It was an extraordinary night -wrestling with the deep resistance within us and within our culture to discover the gift found in human vulnerability. Yet through the power of theatre, dance and music, the personal story of journalist and emcee Helen Henderson, and the thoughtful research presented by Dr. Hall, members of the audience were challenged and inspired to move through what is difficult so as to encounter something quite simple and beautiful.”

John Guido – Regional Coordinator, L’Arche Ontario